Monday, September 19, 2011


Wow!!! That's really all I have to say about the BYU vs Utah game. I still can't even believe I witnessed such a pathetic blowout!!! As many of you know, I really do like both universities (I just bleed a little more blue!) and with that being said, that loss stung a little! Ry and I were actually able to go to the game with Trav and Jen and win or lose, I still had a really great time. We made a pit stop in Orem on the way down and ate some yummy pizza at the Pizza factory. I couldn't have asked for a funner crew for date night, Let do it again soon Lims!

A shot of all of us heading into the stadium. Jen was trooper (Being 8 months pregnant and all.)

Ry and I before the game started. (Hence the smiles on our faces still!)

Jen and I at the Pizza Factory.

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