So, there really is a reason that it has been so long since the last post.......It's an understatement that we have been super busy these past few weeks but I'm going to blame Ryan for this one!!! Last week was the big muzzle loader deer hunt for the boys (Ry, Jason and Neil) my pops had to miss out this year because he is spending the next few weeks in Thailand with my mom (poor thing!) So the three amigos decided that they would stay in Heber at a Holiday Inn each night after they hunted all day (really roughing it huh?) and Ryan promised that if he took the camera on his excursion that he would bring back a plethora of pictures and stories for me to post on my blog, well.......neither happened!!!! Jason ended up getting a deer (no pictures) and each night they got in the hot tub, went out to dinner etc( again, no pictures) so there went a week of events down the drain....Then to make the situation worse, when Heather, Neil, Ryan, and myself went out to Wendover this past weekend Ryan had left the camera in my dad's truck while once again, NO PICTURES!!!! However this next weekend we will be heading out to St. George to watch Yuen race in a marathon and then we will be cruising over to Vegas for a few nights to party it up, I now have the camera in my possession
so there will be lots of pictures to post when we get back from our little get-away!!!
The Home Loans in India
6 years ago