How lucky am I? pretty dang lucky! I love that I live so close to family, it makes life oh so much sweeter. Last night I was able to spend some quality time with Joe and Cole (my nephews.) Jason and Heather went out for date night, so I went over to their house and hung out with the little dudes. We ate pizza, Ry stopped by to rope the boys into playing the play station for a bit, then Joe had me watchin a gizzilion funny little videos on you tube, that he thought I just simply needed to see, I read a few stories and then finally got them into bed for the night at 1:45 in the morning. Dang they can sucker me into the old "I need a glass a water, Oh I have to go to the bathroom, and hey let me just tell you one more story" routine. I love it though, I just kinda had to chuckle inside a few times. Oh how I love these boys.
The Home Loans in India
6 years ago