Friday, September 14, 2012

Just In Time

So it has been a tradition for Little Heath and I to take the kids to the drive-in every summer, it is a tradition that we absolutely love! We planned on going a few weeks ago and Joe ended up getting very sick----We were getting worried that we were not going to pull it off this year.  Well this past Saturday we decided to go, sick, raining or whatever the condition may be, we were going! We loaded up the truck with the air mattress, goodies, sodas and "Little Caesar's Pizza" We saw "The Strange Life of Timothy Green" and "Brave" (I really didn't care for either of the movies, but the experience was fun.) We had a super nice couple in the truck next to us that kept helping us out all night: They took pictures, picked up spilled drinks, and even pumped up our air mattress at intermission, (it went totally flat.) I love nice people, I think that is what I left there thinking about the most.  I'm going to try to be more like those kind and selfless people :)

Here's a pic of the kids, I didn't like any of myself, so I'm not going to post them!


Kelly Jean said...

What fun!! Gotta love a good drive-in! Annnnd you are definitely one of those kind & selfless people :)

val said...

You are such a fun aunt!! Fun to peek in on you. Hope you are doing well Kel belle.